Faraday middleware

VCR provides middleware that can be used with Faraday. You can use this as an alternative to Faraday's built-in test adapter.

VCR will automatically insert this middleware in the Faraday stack when you configure hook_into :faraday. However, if you want to control where the middleware goes in the faraday stack, you can use it yourself. The middleware should come before the Faraday HTTP adapter.

Note that when you use the middleware directly, you don't need to configure hook_into :faraday.

Use Faraday middleware

Given a file named "faraday_example.rb" with:

request_count = 0
$server = start_sinatra_app do
  get('/:path') { "Hello #{params[:path]} #{request_count += 1}" }

require 'faraday'
require 'vcr'

VCR.configure do |c|
  c.default_cassette_options = { :serialize_with => :syck }
  c.cassette_library_dir = 'cassettes'

conn = Faraday::Connection.new(:url => "http://localhost:#{$server.port}") do |builder|
  builder.use VCR::Middleware::Faraday
  builder.adapter :<adapter>

VCR.use_cassette('example') do
  puts "Response 1: #{conn.get('/foo').body}"

VCR.use_cassette('example') do
  puts "Response 2: #{conn.get('/foo').body}"

When I run ruby faraday_example.rb

Then the output should contain:

Response 1: Hello foo 1
Response 2: Hello foo 1

And the file "cassettes/example.yml" should contain "Hello foo 1".


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